Wednesday, April 11, 2012

'Mirror Mirror' Gives A New Twist To Fairy Tale

Tarsem Singh’s latest take on the Snow White fairy tale is one of the most hilarious versions I have ever seen. By chance, I decided to go to the cinemas and one of the available movies was Mirror Mirror. Now, I have watched Snow White for more times than I can count with my ten fingers, but yet somehow, I still wanted to watch this updated version of the fairy tale.

I admit that I am a huge fan of Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, although there were many other newer versions of the fairy tale. Mirror Mirror however, is one of the gems that has given a new breath of life to the age-old tale.

Told from the perspective of the Evil Queen, the story starts with Julia Roberts’s narration of how the story is all about the Queen, instead of Snow White.

Lily Collins, daughter of Genesis’s Phil Collins, plays Snow White. She’s exactly how I picture Snow White, jet black hair with skin as fair as snow. And not to mention, her really red lips!

In Mirror Mirror, the King mysteriously disappears, leaving the Queen to govern the kingdom with lots of help from the King’s loyal servant Brighton (who is a real funny character!). Her spendthrift ways plunged the kingdom into debt, but the arrival of the wealthy Prince Andrew Alcott (Armie Hammer) gives her an idea. If she throws a ball in his honour and convince him to marry her, all her debts would be gone and she can have more parties!

At the ball, the Prince can’t tear himself away from Snow – perhaps it’s that smile, or those eyebrows, or the fact she’s wearing a swan-shaped gown, complete with wings and a beak. Not to mention, every outfit in Mirror Mirror is a masterpiece. The vivid colours all give more visual eye candy to the viewers, enhancing the storyline.

The Queen discovered that Snow White had been crashing party and ordered her killed out into the wilderness. Brighton falters and compassionately (well, more like cowardly) let her go and she is taken in by the seven dwarfs, a troupe of bandits-slash-acrobats who chase down stagecoaches on spring-loaded stilts. Together, they plot to save the Prince from the Queen’s spell and their impending royal marriage.

Mirror Mirror is a film where bee-stung lips are achieved with real bees’ stings and puppy love can make a man behave like an actual puppy. Definitely a wonderful twist to the well-loved tale.

The author has loved Snow White since young, and fairy tales are the stuff of her dreams. The next re-adaptation of the fairy tale will be released later this year, starring Twilight star Kristen Stewart. Looking forward to catch it when it is released!

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