Monday, September 27, 2010

Vampire Themed Books To Satiate Your Thirst

I strolled into a bookstore today while I was out shopping, and noticed that the books on the shelves were mostly black in colour.

At first glance, I dismissed them as books from Stephenie Meyer’s popular Twilight Saga series, but at closer inspection it seemed that these books were targeted at teens that had not gotten over the Twilight fever yet, and are still eager for more vampire themed titles to satiate their thirst for fictional stories.

Even classics such as Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice and Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights were not spared by the current publishing craze. These titles have been reproduced with covers that looked like those of the Twilight Saga series, and they do look good, I admit.

But I could not help wondering whether publisher should go till the extent of extorting classics such as Little Women by Louisa May Alcott by adding blood, gore, and vampires into the storyline. Yes, they do draw in the teen readers, but would they get the opportunity to appreciate the real essence of these famed titles?

A quick browse on Google also showed that there were many vampire-related websites which offered more stories for the reader of Twilight who still couldn’t get enough of vampires. Many other book series have spawned from this phenomenon, and my opinion is as long as the content is good, readers will develop a good following, and become fans of the author’s works.

The author thinks that books that are riding on the bandwagon of the Twilight Saga series’ success should try not to have similar cover themes as every book’s cover should reflect its contents.

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