Sunday, May 26, 2013

2PM: Boys Turned 'Grown' Up Men

The boys (or rather, men) of 2PM are finally back with their 3rd album titled Grown! Their last one 'Hands Up' was released in 2011, which was around 2 years ago!

This time round, the boys showed how much they have 'grown' over the past 2 years by showcasing a more matured and sexier image, which I found did reflect the title of their album very well.

And I bet many fan girls would agree that the second cover looks greater huh? With all that hot hunks' six packs, I'm sure many of the fans would swoon once they get their hands on the album!

There are 2 singles which I think are the title tracks off the album, since they shot music videos for them and are currently promoting them on live music shows.

The first is Come Back When You Hear This Song, a track that starts off sounding like a ballad, then picks up into a mid-tempo dance number. 

While there are some reviews that said the dance moves seem a little musical or theatrical and look out of place, somehow I find that they executed the moves well and it seamlessly fits with the mood of the song. 

Check out the music video for 'Come Back When You Hear This Song' which will get you singing to the chorus "I norael deutgo dorawa, dorawa...," in no time! Look out for the 7 sins in the video too!

Next up is All Day I Think Of You (what's with all the long and mouthful titles this time round, JYP?). This song is quite a mix of rapping, slow ballad like parts, as well as synthesized voices. 

What I love most is the part where they all sat down on chairs and snap their fingers while swinging one leg. So swag!!

Check out the sexy music video for 'All Day I Think Of You' below!

Otherwise, the rest of the album is still pretty good for those looking for a album for easy listening as most tracks are quite tuned down, with a couple of ballads here and there.

I shall be looking forward to catch their sexy live performances on television one of these days!

The author is loving the new concept for 2PM's comeback. What about you?

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